Come and throw away all your worries for a moment and do something for yourself and your health.
How we work and what we offer
We offer individual care and group activities. U nás najdete paletu mnoha metod fyzioterapie - měkké a mobilizační techniky - trigger points terapie - reflexní terapie - metoda a exercises according to Ludmila Mojžíš - Exercises according to McKenzie - Sensorimotor exercises, balance surfaces and others techniques listed below We also specialize in pregnancy massages and relaxation massages. During massages, we use only natural Nobilis Tilia, Saloos and Dermapro oils. Každý klient u nás dostává čistou bavlněnou plachtu a osušku vypranou v bio pracích prostředcích. We take into account not only you, but also nature. We regularly clean and disinfect all our premises with natural products. After a massage or exercise, you can have tea, water or a shower here.
You can learn more about individual techniques and methods on our blog, or book your appointment right away.